Currently, girls represent 23% of NICA’s overall national student-athlete participation. NICA GRiT (Girls Riding Together) seeks to increase that number significantly over the next five years. The GRiT Program is NICA’s effort to recruit and retain more girls and female coaches in NICA programs. Although NICA has been successful in providing equal opportunities to all once participating in our programs, we can only be truly equal when we address many females need different things to feel welcome and invited into NICA programs.
Lehigh Valley Composite MTB GRiT
Since our inception in 2018, our team has been able to work with Middle and High School girls as well as female coaches.
Although our overall numbers have remained low when comparing with our boys & male coach ratio, our athletes have grown into strong confident riders while riding mostly among boys.
We pledge an increase in female athlete recruitment and GRiT activities to provide a more welcoming environment for all!
Our team practice is structured by skill and pace, so generally our athletes train together regardless of gender but will ride in the appropriate groups based on their achieved progress.
Students of any gender are welcome to join one of our scheduled one time try-it-out rides with the team but special GRiT opportunities will be available for female and female identifying students this season.

2024 Planned Activities:
- GRiT Try-It Out Clinic in June – Our GRiT girls clinic will return, but this year with a new location and some new friends! Join us as we invite the Bucks County team girls and coaches for a fun filled few days at one of our favorite trail systems at Nockamixon. More info to come! No experience needed! Curious about becoming a coach- potential female coaches are also welcome to join us for these clinics!
- GRiT Practice Rides – we will increase opportunities to participate in practice rides with female coaches throughout the season.
- GRiT Local Dirt Activities – we will work with other local teams to increase GRiT adventure rides, allowing our female athletes to meet and ride with other strong female athletes and coaches. These types of rides and interactions can grow our sense of community and friendships. Athletes tend to cheer each other on, encourage and empower each other at race and adventure events.
Ready to join the team?
Whether you are interested in joining the team as female athlete, coach or volunteer; feel free to contact me for all things GRiT.

Katja Kruppe
she/herGRiT Coordinator & Level 3 Coach