Registration Opens

PitZone will now open for all returning student athletes and coaches to register at a discounted rate through June 30th. New athletes must receive an invitation from the team director to register for the season before they can log into PitZone.

Season Registration includes all league and race fees, however each student must be checked into PitZone the Wednesday evening prior to each race weekend.

Registration will be open through August 2020 but early registration is encouraged to receive a discounted rate.

If you are a new student athlete or interested in coaching, please reach out to

Scholarships and reduced membership rates are available upon request and pending league review, due by August 2020.

Discounted Rate Samples:

  • First athlete pays full price ($275 Early Bird or $300 standard registration)
  • 10% off second athlete ($247.50 for Early Bird, $270 for standard registration)
  • 20% off third and additional athletes ($220 Early Bird, $240 standard registration)
  • Example: For an Early Bird registration, a family of three would pay $275 + $247.50 + $220 = $742.50 (a $158 savings over regular individual price!)


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